Grotius also gained the esteem of Barneveldt, the grandpensionary, in whose fate he was afterward involved.
The states-general heard the news with consternation: they despatched the grandpensionary Pauw on a special embassy to London.
The grandpensionary appeared surprised when he heard that his Majesty was sending one of his ministers to Holland.
This was firmly rejected by John de Witt, now grandpensionary of Holland, and by the States under his influence.
The English fell back, hampered in their adventurous plans by the prudence of the Hollanders, controlled from a distance by the grandpensionary Heinsius.
Grotius also gained the esteem of Barneveldt, thegrandpensionary, in whose fate he was afterward involved.
Heinsius, thegrandpensionary, followed up the views of the lamented stadtholder with considerable energy, and was answered by the unanimous exertions of the country.
TheGrandPensionary and seven other Commissioners signed on behalf of the United Provinces.
The states-general heard the news with consternation: they despatched thegrandpensionary Pauw on a special embassy to London.
The Declaration of William was drawn up by theGrandPensionary Fagel, who was highly renowned as a publicist.
Thegrandpensionary appeared surprised when he heard that his Majesty was sending one of his ministers to Holland.
TheGrandPensionary delivered a pompous oration upon a platform hung with sky-blue silk, and carpeted with cloth of gold.
Temple then informed theGrandPensionary that the King of England had determined to close with the proposal of a defensive alliance.
Temple, accompanied by his sister, instantly set out for the Hague, and laid the propositions of the English Government before theGrandPensionary.
The English fell back, hampered in their adventurous plans by the prudence of the Hollanders, controlled from a distance by thegrandpensionary Heinsius.
" Thegrandpensionary soon appeased the murmurs and complaints that were being raised against him," writes M. de Pomponne.